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Soul Coaching® International Training Institute

 Official Programs

Activating the Soul in Your Daily Life

Receive the gift of a lifetime as you immerse yourself in the


Soul Coaching® Official Programs


The one time investment you can return to over and over again

as you continue evolving and refining your ever expanding life.

We are offering you a Special Price

during these challenging times.

Empowering ~ Transforming ~ Liberating


"the soul loves the truth"

28 days to discovering your authentic self


“At the edge of the mind awaits the holy wilderness of the soul.

It beckons you, like an ancient forest filled with vast mysteries and wonders.

Soul Coaching® is a simple path of the heart to the temple that dwells at its depth."

~ Denise Linn, Soul Coaching® Founder

The 28-Day SOUL COACHING® Program is a powerful program that anyone can do if you are ready to commit at least 15 minutes a day to YOURSELF?


The Soul Coaching® 28 Day Program is a process that takes you to your spiritual source and helps you find meaning and sacredness in everyday life.


It allows you to take an honest look at yourself and your life, face fear, release outgrown negative patterns, get motivated, and step boldly and joyfully into your future.


Once you have committed yourself to the program, life unfolds in a remarkable, almost magical, way.


Declare that you are ready to discover your authentic self. Declare that you are willing to dedicate one month of your life doing it, and loving forces of the universe will coalesce to propel you in the direction of your destiny.

~ Do you know your life purpose?
~ Do you love your life?
~ Do you feel safe and secure?
~ Is your life a true reflection of who you are?
~ Are you fulfilled and happy in your relationships?

If you answered NO to some of these questions and would prefer to answer YES, the Soul Coaching program will guide you through the wondrous journey of self discovery, revealing the great mystery of your Soul.

~ What you will learn:

~ Dissolve negative believes
~ Clear old blockages
~ Map a dynamic future
~ Increase self-esteem
~ Enrich your life
~ Expand your magnificence


~ What is Included:

    ~ Soul Coaching Official Booklet of daily instructions and guidance (109 pages)

    ~ 28 Daily Beautiful Meditations on CD recorded by Soul Coaching® founder Denise Linn  

    ~ 28 Daily Affirmations     

    ~ FB Private Group forum   

    ~ 5 Live Sessions where we'll create and interpret our Collages, Spirit Sticks, be guided through Soul Journeys,

    ~ Personal Coaching, guidance and support from me on our FB Group

    ~ Interaction, support and inspiration from other like minded participants

        and so much more...

You will work with the program in the comfort of your own home. All you need is a computer and a minimum of 15 minutes a day.

We will meet for two summits at my private home studio or online in the beginning and at the end of the program and once a week for an evening summit of 1 hour.




Join us for the 28 Day SOUL COACHING® Program.


Discover your authentic self.


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soul coaching®
Clutter clearing quest

21 Days clearing from the inside out

Bright Living Room
Bright Bedroom
White Living Room
Modern White Apartment
Green Bathroom
3 White Vases

"From a spiritual perspective, letting go of physical “stuff” equates with letting go of emotional blockages

and barriers in your life.

In truth, clutter clearing is never just about the stuff; it’s a signpost that indicates other things going on

in your life beneath the surface."


~ Denise Linn - Soul Coaching® Founder

Do you struggle with clutter? You are not alone. It is a challenge that is endemic in our consumer-driven culture.

“Contemporary U.S. households have more possessions per household than any society in global history,” says Jeanne E. Arnold.


More isn’t better. Studies show that we are not happier, healthier, smarter, or more loving as result of our stuff.

Clutter is basically anything you don't love, don't use and don't really need in your life.

Simply clearing the things that you don’t love and don’t use isn’t enough.

If you don’t go to the source of the reason for the clutter, it will accumulate again.


This 21 days Clutter Clearing Quest can help you remove the energetic wall that clutter creates and it can give you insight into what’s blocking you to live an extraordinary life.



~ What you will learn:


  • What Is Clutter and Why You Keep It

  • Scientific Reasons Why It’s Hard to Let Go of Clutter

  • Why it is Important to Clear Clutter

  • The Negative Effects of Clutter

  • The Emotional Toll of Clutter

  • How Clutter Affects Our Ability To Take Charge Of Our Lives

  • How Clutter Blocks Opportunities from Coming into Your Life


      7 Clutter Clearing Myths



~ What is Included:


  • Official Soul Coaching® downloadable/printable workbook

  • 4 Sessions

       Session 1: What is the Energy of Your Home?

       Session 2: Creating a Home I Love 

       Session 3: Creating a Home for My Soul 

       Session 4: Creating a Life that I Love ~ Beyond the 21 Days




  • Online daily support

  • Soul Journeys

  • Private FB Group





Clutter Affects Our Ability To Take Charge Of Our Lives.


This 21- day Soul Coaching® Clutter Clearing Quest Program

is designed to support you in getting every area of your life on track

and to empower you in having a remarkable, sparkling life.


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Soul coaching®
Unlock the Secret Messages

of Your Body!

A 28 Day Jump-Start Program for Radiant Health and Glorious Vitality

Spa Pool
Yoga at Home
Chia Pudding
Woman in Hot Tub


Create an Extraordinary Life!

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